Day 17 Peso da Régua - Mesão Frio Tuesday 13/06/2017
22 km incl. 500 m going up steeply calculated as + 5 km effort to the walk
6 hr walk + 3 hr pauses ie a discussion with D. Maria Ascenção, 1:45 hr chez D. Maria do Céu (see below), a stop in a bar and two emergency stops during the last steep climb when I simply could not go on without sitting/lying down
The day started at 6 am with thunder, lightning and heavy rain. Since we had a short stage ahead we did not worry about leaving early. The rain stopped and we got ready to go after breakfast, but then it started again and we waited. It was 9 am when we got going at last! The rain had not cooled the atmosphere and the day was beginning to heat up again. The camino took us along the river for a while and then steeply straight up the mountain side. That was very hard, but the day was young and I was not yet tired. When I stopped to catch my breath, a woman's voice made some remark in French and thus we came to have a talk with Maria Ascenção - a welcome stop! Plenty of time to continue on our camino.
Then for some time the camino followed a country road with no traffic wending its way round the mountain; up again steeply, more road and down along the top of a vineyard and to another road where a voice called out to us: Would you like some cool water? - No, thank you, we have water! - How about some oranges? - The lady, Maria do Céu Vasco, had been weeding in the garden below the road and had heard us talking. So we accepted the oranges and she invited us into the house. Most delicious oranges, followed by equally delicious lemonade: she brought lemon juice in the shape of ice cubes which she put imto our glasses of cold water - explaining that they harvested too many lemons; so she made pure lemon juice and froze it in throw-away ice cube bags - brillant idea, I thought!
This was followed by coffee and by the time we finished that, we were at the stage of exchanging names and taking photographs and she called her husband, José, and we ended up having a guided tour of the house with many interesting details. He makes objects out of wood; he collects old bits of tree trunks and roots of vine and olive trees and transforms them, beautifully finished. Interesting shapes as decorations on the walls; a child's chair made of a piece of tree trunk.....
The house is very large, all rooms on the same level - an old house of the family which had been falling into ruins and which they renovated and transformed into a very tasteful modern house. Surrounded by a large vineyard, a good size vegetable garden with their own well. I could go on and on....
In the end we did go on! A long time on the country road until we came to a bar, obligatory stop for a coffee and fruit juice, a good bit more of road with little traffic until finally we came to the last serious dip which was almost my undoing! 150 m steeply down, across the little bridge over the Ribeira de Seromenha and 150 m steeply up again on the other side of the valley. One third up I stopped to get my breath back - Andrea was well ahead - another third up I was in trouble again. Andrea was waiting for me. And I had been thinking why I found this way up so very difficult and I realised that since breakfast 6 hours ago I had not really eaten. Coffee and lemonade in the bar, two oranges and lemonade and a small coffee with a sweet chez D. Maria do Céu was not enough for me. Walking along with Andrea I did not think and had forgotten all about it!
So two thirds of the way up we sat down by the road and I had a sandwich - I was equipped, just had forgotten all about eating - and a piece of chocolate. And finally we were at the top wending our way around the mountain, but I still was feeling peculiar. So again we sat down by the roadside and I even curled up and went to sleep for a quarter of an hour! That did the trick! A beer in a bar as we came into Mesão Frio drenched as we were!
We are staying in a wonderful hotel (turismo rural) high up above the river Douro, with a swimming pool which we did not use; but once I had had another catnap and washed my clothes we stretched out on deckchairs in the garden and enjoyed the view. And I started writing this blog.
Will give up now and go to sleep. Tomorrow is a very long day - 28 km + 6, I think, accounting for the difference in height. Can't think why I planned such a long stage. There must have been a reason....
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Leaving Peso da Regua |
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Up steeply! |
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Maria Ascensao |
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Maria do Ceu and Ina |
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In Jose's atelier |
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Jose and Maria do Ceu Vasco and Ina |
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Looking back towards the house - the village is Fontelas |
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Clocharde |
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Clocharde - closeup |
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Meanwhile Andrea..... |
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Delicately going downhill / descente prudente |
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Our hotel overlooking the Douro |
Puis, pendant un moment le camino a suivi une route de campagne, sinuant autour de la montagne, encore une montée dure, de la route et une descente le long des vignes vers une autre route où on a entendu une voix nous interpeller. Vous voulez de l'eau fraîche ? Non merci, on en a. Et des oranges ? Maria do Céu sarclait son jardin en dessous de la route et nous avait entendu parler. On a accepté les oranges et elle nous a invitées dans sa maison. De délicieuses oranges suivies d'une citronnade aussi bonne; elle a apporte le jus de citron en forme de cubes de glace (glaçons) qu'elle a mis dans nos verres d'eau fraîche en nous expliquant que la récolte de citrons avait été trop importante et qu’elle avait fait du jus de citron mis au congélateur pour en faire des glaçons spéciaux ! Bonne idée.
Ensuite on a pris un café et on en est arrivées à échanger nos noms et à prendre des photos. Elle a appelé son mari, José, et on a fait une visite de la maison, ce qui a été très intéressant. Son mari fabrique des objets à partir de vieux troncs d'arbre, des ceps de vigne... Il fait cela très bien comme par exemple des décorations pour les murs ou une chaise pour enfant à partir d'un tronc. La maison est très grande et de plain pied. C'est un bien de famille qui tombait en ruine et qu'ils ont transformé avec goût en une maison moderne. Tout autour il y a des vignes, un potager de belle taille et leur propre puits. Bon, maintenant je pourrais vous donner encore des détails mais il faut bien repartir et continuer la route !!!
Un bon moment en campagne jusqu'à ce que l'on arrive à un bar, arrêt obligatoire pour un café et un jus de fruit puis encore un peu de route avec peu de circulation jusqu’à une sérieuse pente qui est arrivée à bout de moi ....150 m de descente, traversée d'un petit pont sur la rivière Ribeira de Seromenha et 150 m de montée de l’autre coté de la vallée. Au tiers de la montée je me suis arrêtée reprendre mon souffle - Andréa était bien en avant de moi - un autre tiers et problème à nouveau. Andréa m'a attendue et je me suis rendue compte de la raison pour laquelle je trouvais ce passage si difficile: je n’avais rien dans le ventre depuis le petit déjeuner si ce n'est le café et la citronnade au bar, les oranges et un petit café avec Maria do Céu. Ce n'était pas suffisant pour moi. Le fait de marcher avec Andréa m'avait fait oublier l'essentiel.
Au troisième tiers on s'est assises au bord de la route et j'ai pris un sandwich et un morceau de chocolat. J'avais ce qu’il fallait, j'avais juste oublié de manger. On est enfin arrivées au sommet mais je me sentais toute drôle...on a fait une autre pause au bord de la route et j'ai dormi un quart d'heure. Cela a suffit. Une bière dans un bar en arrivant à Mesão Frio nous a fait du bien.
On est installées dans un magnifique hôtel (tourisme rural ) sur les hauteurs de la rivière Douro, avec piscine (non utilisée par nous), mais après un petit sommeil et la lessive on s'est étendues sur des chaises longues dans le jardin pour profiter de la vue. Début de rédaction du blog.
On arrête, on va dormir, car demain c'est une très longue étape 28 km + 6 km je pense. Pourquoi j'ai planifié une si longue marche? il doit bien y avoir une raison......
Continuação de boa viajem até Santiago. Gostei muito de vos receber em minha casa, voltem sempre! Saudades, Maria do Céu e José. Quinta da Costa, Fontelas, Peso da Régua.
RépondreSupprimerPara nos foi um grande prazer ser recebidas com tanto carinho. Agradecemos sempre. Um grande abraco. Ina e Andrea